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Moon Magic: The Elemental Growth Guide to The Moon Cycles

Ashley Michaud • Apr 15, 2022
Click to Download Our 2023 Moon Guide
This article is written for the people out there looking for a bit more magic and a much deeper connection. If you feel a special connection to the Moon, then this article is for you. By following the moon phases and setting personalized intentions it will be easier for you to connect with the rhythms of Mother Nature. Over time this ritual will become part of the rhythm of your own life, harmonizing you with your environment and manifesting serendipity.

In my first book, Be The Change, I go much deeper into the moon cycles and how all of nature's cyclical cycles help in personal development and integration. For example, the moon has a huge stabilizing effect on Earth’s tilt, reminding us that the key here is always to keep a healthy balance, knowing when to hold on to your powers and when to release them to the universe. This article is intended to help you achieve this balance naturally.

For many people around the world, nature's cyclical cycles like the moon cycles are seen as magical. It's believed in some traditions that the new moon, waxing moon, the full moon and the waning moon all harness their own special magical properties, and so as a native American woman obsessed with personal development, I naturally began planning my psychedelic ceremonies accordingly.

For The Mushroom Lovers

The moon plays a very large role in mushroom "flushes" (a period of time when large numbers of mushrooms appear all at once). According to those who have helped with their lineage or work with mushrooms, you'll find more mushrooms during the full moon than at any other time (except maybe lightning storms, I have heard that too). While mushrooms are no doubt influenced by the moon, individual species respond in different ways, some flushing at the full moon, others at the new and some species even appear in the first or third quarters.
The ancients considered Mushrooms to be under the dominion of the Moon and above all other growing things on earth to be most influenced by it. The ancients also believed in the Doctrine of Signatures which is a subject I adore and will share with you soon. 

For The Spiritual Entrepreneurs 


The moon phases are important periods for Healers worldwide, some gather in groups to practice Meditation while others benefit from connecting with the earth and moon energies as an individual practice. The moon symbolizes the mind & emotions and is one of the most influential heavenly bodies that affects all people on earth. 

Spiritual practitioners use the magnifying effects of the moon to deepen their spiritual practice and meditation to serve humanity. The effects of the full/new moon last 5 days, the day of the moon, as well as two days before and 2 days after. Some use this time for fasting which purifies the body and prepares you for all that is to come. This is a time of increasing spiritual awareness and global consciousness. 

Align Your Hormone Cycle


Are you a woman, feeling victim of irregular menstruation? In the beginning, a woman’s menstrual cycle would sync up with the moon. On the new moon, when the sky is dark, women would come together in space to tap into their inner voice and creativity. During the full moon, women would ovulate and be at their sexual peak. This has changed much over the generations, but we still see glimpses of it today when we sync up our cycles with other women close to us.


Are you a man, feeling victim of irregular mood swings & cravings? PubMed published an article that suggests that men in serious relationships with women often sync up with the woman’s moon cycle by shifting their androgen levels weekly so that the couple will have a better chance to reproduce come the full moon. This is a biological response that most men are not aware of. In addition, bachelors likely will not experience these same shifts.


Get Your Cycle Back on Track


  • Stabilize your blood sugar
  • Nurture your adrenals
  • Support your organs of elimination
  • Train your muscles
  • Engaging your feminine / masculine energy

Go For The Alchemy

  • Hormonal: Menstruation Phase, Can last 3-7 days, Progesterone drops, Estrogen peaks, then drops
  • Personal: May experience fatigue, cramping or cravings
  • Mental: Communication between right / left brain peaks
  • Spiritual: This is the time to nurture your gut & intuition, journal or create vision boards
  • Nutrition: Eat low glycemic, high water fruits / veggies, increase iron & zinc intake through food like beans & sea veggies or supplements
  • Fitness: Practice restorative type yoga

Creating Your Own Ritual

Any ritual marks an inner transformation in a ceremonial way. You are showing yourself and the Universe that you are ready to let go for the new you to emerge, like shedding your skin. Moon rituals make way for new magical opportunities to come to you.


Using the elements:

●     Earth, grounds you in the present

●     Air, loves to analyze and honors forgiveness

●     Fire, consumes and burns away the old

●     Water, cleanses and washes away


What you need:

●     Pen, in any colors

●     Paper of any kind

●     Matches

●     Candle

●     Bowls x2

●     Water

●     Smudge (optional)


If possible go outside under the sky, this is called a “moon bath” and connects you directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies. If you cannot be outside, find a quiet place indoors, often in the winter I take a bath in the tub with herbs and other items I feel drawn to at the time (salts, oatmeal, flowers, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, clay, ect).

Clear your energy by using some smudging herbs and allow all negative and non-serving energies to fade away. Create a sacred space by placing a candle and other special items around you like crystals. Light the candle, and fill one of your bowls with water, then place both in front of you. Take a few deep breaths, to ground yourself in the moment and then begin to write what you wish to receive/release from your life. Consider limiting beliefs you want to be free from, habits that no longer serve you and anything else you want to let go of.


Place one corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page, then throw the page into the empty bowl and let it burn. Watch the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke takes your intentions to the Universe. Only when you are willing to let go will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more willing you are to let it go. Wash your hands in the bowl of water and allow inspiration to flow.

Use your intuition to guide you, you may not burn your page. That's okay. You may want to jump into the ocean or take a shower to cleanse and contemplate, maybe you prefer to meditate on what to let go of instead of writing it down. Go with what works for you, it's all about your intention so as long as you're centered in why you are doing things in a certain way, you will see results.

Give it a try, It's a very freeing practice and healing for your health. Releasing the things in our lives that no longer serve us (addictions to food, drugs, or sex, suffering from hurtful relationships, physical and emotional pains) is a necessary component to living your best life. It's equally important to set intentions for the things you do want, decisions are powerful so taking the time to bring forth the things you want into the physical world, breathes life into these intentions you want to set for yourself and helps you to prioritize and focus on your desired outcomes. These rituals make the transformation process comfortable and can be fun as you begin to manifest your desires.

New Moon Magic

New moons are where the journey begins, the sky is a blank canvas on these nights and that is why it’s the perfect time to kick off a new project or idea. Create a dream board and lay a foundation for what you want to manifest. Set intentions, reach out to experts in your field, this is a time for new beginnings, a time to ask and manifest.

The New Moon is considered a fallow time, in which one rests and rejuvenates. This is also a time when a hormonally balanced woman will menstruate naturally. In other traditions, it's a time to ask and manifest. When the sky shows the dark side of the moon it appears as a black canvass for us to visualize our desires. I focus more on intention during this phase, tap into my inner self and affirm my monthly goals.

The Waxing Moons are used to focus on positivity which naturally draws things to you like a magnet. This is the moon phase when you will get things done. Anything I need to achieve my goals appears to me through synchronicity during this time. As the moon gets closer to full, so do my resources, my trust in the universe to provide and my garden. Astrology can be a powerful integrative tool for psychonauts and truly does allow for other exceptional experiences to manifest.

Law of Attraction 


In bullet form list the things you would like to optimize in each area of your life:


  • Personal / Joy   
  • Business / Finances 
  • Family / Friends

Make a list of 1-3 things you would like to manifest this month. If you are the creative type you may get more out of creating a wallpaper for your favorite device or a dream board. Take things a step further and create action steps for each item on your list and speak them daily in the form of an affirmation, for example, "Just for today I am...."

Full Moon Magic 

During a full moon, everything becomes magnified (good and bad). Therefore the full moon can be both viewed as a time of crisis as well as a time of opportunity. It depends on who you are and where you are in life. Full moons are times of completion, a time to release all that doesn't serve you anymore, maybe it’s the past that you want to release, maybe it’s fear of the future or maybe it’s the thoughts and ideas that you're having in the present. This is also the time to receive and reap what you sow, it’s time to cut and gather your hard work, your progress and experience and make space to begin again. Full moons are like cosmic spotlights, they can be illuminating and provide us the nourishment we need in body, mind and spirit. Everything comes out into the open in the light of the full moon including our shadowy places but you are fearless and deserve to achieve every goal you set for yourself.

The Full Moon includes the day before and the day after a full moon, if highly sensitive you could probably even feel the powers of the full moon up to three days before and after, for a total of seven days. If you want to follow the phases of the moon for your sacred journey, the full moon is a good time to do rituals focused on personal growth and spiritual development.

The Waning Moons are used to banish unwanted energies and encourage us to get rid of or destroy things you no longer wish to be burdened by. This is a time each month when I cleanse my environment and write a letter releasing all the baggage that has built up inside me over time. While the moon is fading and dwindling, I do a simple ceremony to help me release negativity back to mother nature who knows what to do with it. I make it a habit to get rid of anything that's bad, hostile or toxic so that come the next moon cycle (New Moon), I can start over fresh.

Watch Our Best Videos on The Moon Cycles Here
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